
IS-BAO stage 2 renewal

Foto: is-bao

IJM is proud to announce that its Austrian based operation has renewed stage 2 of the International Standard of Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) certification. The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) has congratulated IJM for the renewal of Stage 2.

The foundation of IS-BAO is the development of a safety management system to assess the risks encountered in flight operations. It is modelled on the ISO 9000 family of standards. Validation of the entire process had to be completed by an independent audit. It was developed in 2003 by IBAC.

After the successful audit for Stage 2 in 2018, IJM intensively prepared itself for a recertification after 2 years. The Safety as well as the flight department worked together with the whole management on the improvement of IJMs Standards.

“Safety is the main principal in aviation and also the main core in the IJM group policy since the company was founded in 2003. I am glad about the result of the effort and expecting the re-certification in two years,” said Felix Feller, CEO and founder of International Jet Management.

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